Two Days with the iPad: 41 Reflections, Discoveries, Critiques & Tips

No, I'm not going to write a formal review of the iPad. There are a thousand of those out there, and I doubt I could add anything relevant. After having spent the last couple of days with the device, though, I've discovered a number of interesting things in my poking around that I thought I'd share. These aren't in any particular order, but I'll try to keep similar items together.
- Yes, as everyone else says, the iPad is heavier than what one first expects. While some have criticized this aspect, I like it. The iPad feels solid.
- Those who still criticize the iPad for not having a widescreen display don't get it. It would be so awkward goofy to hold it and turn sideways if it were widescreen. Watching movies would benefit from a widescreen, but few other things. This is more akin to holding a book. I don't want a widescreen book.
- While the screen seems just the right size at the moment, I don't know if other sizes might be appreciated, too. A full 8.5 x 11" screen might be nice to use. I've heard rumors that Apple may offer different sized screens in the future.
- Immediately upon turning the iPad on for the first time, you will have to connect it to a computer to set it up. This is not an independent machine at all. While I think the iPad would be great for taking notes in a classroom setting, the university that announced a few days ago that all incoming freshman would get an iPad instead of a MacBook need to rethink that strategy. The students will have to have a computer, too. This situation may change in a few years, but right now, the iPad is not an independent platform.
- Those who criticize the iPad for not replacing a computer, don't understand it. The iPad is clearly intended to be a secondary machine. Of course, it's also criticized over this. "Why do I need another device to carry around?" That's not getting it either. I still remember the first time I saw an entire computer dedicated for use as a cash register. I thought that this was a waste as this computer could do so much more. An entire computer wasn't needed to simply function as a cash register in my opinion. Regardless of whether you agree with that (or even if I still agree with that), the reality is that often I take my MacBook Pro into situations in which a much lesser device would better suffice. I'm not getting rid of my MacBook Pro. I still need it for "heavy lifting," but there are many contexts in which all I need is something like the iPad. I am thinking of those times such as going to a faculty meeting or a deacons meeting at church in which I basically need to take a few notes and have access to my calendar. Yesterday, I took my iPad to church and taught our Bible study using Keynote for the iPad. It was a nice change of pace to not have to lug my entire laptop bag.
- For both Kathy and me, the first sync was excruciatingly long. We both opted to include our photos in iPhoto on the iPad. I have over 10,000 pictures, and she has over 6,000. iTunes has to "optimize" the photos for the iPad just as it does for the iPhone. Then, it still has to copy them. This took about two hours for each of us.
- When connected to WiFi, the iPad continues to receive mail—even beeps—just like the iPhone when turned off (or technically in sleep mode). That may seem like an obvious feature, but my computer doesn't do that. What's really weird is having my Mac running with my iPad and iPhone in the same room. Three beeps for every one email!
- Like I've always done with computers and my iPhone, I turned up the brightness to full capacity. I soon found this hurting my eyes. Really, all the average person will need is the brightness set to the middle position in preferences. Really.
- The interface animations are extremely fluid. Pick one up and slide from the first screen to the second. You'll see what I mean.
- Speaking of interface, I'm very impressed with the aesthetic detail of some of the iPad apps. I can't remember such attention to visual interface details on standard computers since...well...ever. To me applications like Contacts and Calendar look gorgeous. Not all agree. Paul Thurrott wrote yesterday, "Contacts is ridiculous. Apple needs to get over its desire to ape real world interfaces. That does not work." To each his own. I think it looks great. It has an old school charm, even down to the stitching in the center of the address book. Perhaps, this is why Paul prefers Windows :-)
- I love reading and respond to email on the iPad. It's not just a great interface, but also a very handy and comfortable form factor. However, I dislike not having a junk mail filter. I could easily see myself using the iPad for email more than my Mac, but I don't like the junk mail that gets through.
- Biggest complaint against Mail app on the iPad: no integrated inbox—not even an option for this. I thought Steve promised this a couple of weeks ago in an email? Hopefully that's coming.
- The virtual keyboards work great. In landscape mode, the keys are the size of a regular keyboard. In portrait mode, I'd equate my typing to that on some of the smaller netbooks I've tried. I've actually got the external keyboard dock on order and it should arrive this week. But I've found that I'm actually pretty fast in landscape mode. It's easily the size of a regular keyboard sans the numeric keypad. However, I keep trying to hit an apostrophe and end up hitting the return key. Actually, one really doesn't have to enter apostrophes at all as the interface will simply add them to common contractions and even some possessives. Like the iPhone, the apostrophe key is on a second keyboard layer. Yet the exclamation mark and question mark are included on the regular comma and period keys, respectively, by using the shift key. I understand having two separate keyboard layers (really three) on the iPhone, but with the larger keys on the iPad, I believe many of them could serve for two separate characters like most keyboards. That means adding an actual number row above the character rows.
- The iPad offers four different slide show modes: Cube, Dissolve, Ripple, Wipe and Origami. The last is easiest the most fascinating and fun to watch. Unfortunately, when I connected the iPad to a projector yesterday to show a shuffled rotation of over 1300 photos in our Bible Study group, I could only choose from the Dissolve transition. Clearly, that's the least interesting. I don't know why it would be limited to just this one.
- My biggest gripe about the iPad is the lack of an accessible file system. Each application has to hold its own files and you cannot create folders. Why would this be an issue? Well, for instance, I'd like to see if I could use the iPad in the classroom. For any given course I teach, I have multiple files: syllabus, gradebook, Keynote presentations, etc. It's convenient to keep them in one folder or a grouped nest of folders. The iPad simply doesn't work that way. Each file has to be transferred to its own program.
- One would think that the above issue could be overcome by placing folders in my MobileMe iDisk. And while the MobileMe iDisk can be accessed on the iPad via its iPhone app, I can't simply tap on a Keynote file and have it open in Keynote on the iPad. I have to transfer a Keynote file either through iTunes on my computer or email it. Why the iWork apps don't have access to my iDisk built in is beyond me.
- PDF documents create an interesting issue. Yes, if someone emails me a PDF file, I can view it in the Mail app, but there's no way for me to group a batch of separate PDF files. To me there ought to be some kind of application built in just for reading emails. Fortunately, I found an excellent app for 99¢ called GoodReader. It will connect to a MobileMe disk, email account, network server, Dropbox, Google Docs and more to retrieve documents and group them in the application. It works well and has a very intuitive interface.
- I spent quite a bit of time in the three iWork apps: Pages, Keynote, and Numbers. Here's what's interesting. The iPad apps are not actually sharing a common file format with their counterparts on the Mac. It doesn't matter whether you have a Pages file or a MS Word file, both have to be imported to Pages on the iPad and then exported back out. I guess in the final analysis, it doesn't really matter, but I do find it very interesting.
- If you have iWork '08 or earlier, you're out of luck. iWork on the iPad won't read your files. You have to have iWork '09.
- Some things about the iWork apps are not intuitive at all. There's no menu system because the interface has been completely rethought for touch. But this can cause problems. How do you rename a file? How do you perform a "Save as" for a file. I had to go online for these answers. You have to rename a file in the "My Documents" section of your app by tapping on it. I don't think I could have figured that out on my own. If you want to do a "Save as," do it before you edit the file by choosing to duplicate the file.
- Interface conventions are not always consistent across the board, but some are. Double-tapping a word in programs like Safari, iBooks, and the iWork apps selects the word. The iWork apps allow you to triple-tap a word to select the entire paragraph, but this doesn't work in any of the other apps. You might want to do this in the other apps to copy text.
- Neither text nor graphics can be copied out of the iBooks app or the Kindle app.
- I bought the initial April 12, 2010 issue of Time Magazine released for the iPad. I like the interface in which each article can be read on one screen with vertical swipes while swiping horizontally to move to the next article. However, Time is extremely overpriced at $4.99 an issue. Last week, I updated our print subscription to Time for the entire year for $20. That's about 40¢ an issue. There's no way I'd choose digital over print at those prices.
- I'm astonished at the fact that Pages does not allow footnotes. Really. Or even endnotes. In fact, if you import in a document with footnotes or endnotes, it removes them—completely strips them out! There's an alert upon conversion to this regard, but frankly it's startling to me. I cannot even write a thank-you note without footnotes! I've seen text conversions between word processors on the computer in which footnotes might be converted to endnotes, but strip them out completely? If Apple wants the iPad to receive heavy use from students, let alone academics, Pages will have to include the ability to add footnotes. Either that, or another company has a chance to come along and create a much more robust word processor for the iPad.
- I've already noted that the iWork apps on the iPad are not truly sharing the same file format. That also means that like the footnotes that are stripped out, other things can be stripped out as well. First page headers and footers get deleted. An alert is offered if a particular font is not available. Keynote will accept some video formats in a presentation but not others. I'm not certain yet which ones work and which ones don't. As soon as you import a file, an alert is offered to tell you what will be missing. Needless to say, you need to fully check any imported files before rushing out the door to a context in which you'll need them.
- Some apps like the iWork and iBooks app do not reset when closed. I was initially worried about this based upon my experience with the iPhone in which many apps have to completely "restart." In iBooks, the page opens right where you left off. If you are working on a document in Pages, you can go read your email and then come back to pick up right where you left off.
- The most egregious missing feature in iWork for the iPad for me is presenter notes in Keynote. And it doesn't make sense because when connected to a projector, the iPad creates the equivalent of an extended desktop. It's not a plain mirror of what's on the iPad. So why not have a presenter's screen with notes like on the Mac version of Keynote? I haven't printed out notes in at least three years and to do so seems like such a step backwards and the antithesis of what the iPad is supposed to represent. I hope that a future revision will remedy a lack of presenter notes. .
- I've actually managed to completely crash the iPad once. I imported a particularly media-heavy Keynote file that I used on Sunday a few weeks ago, only to watch as Keynote crashed during the import process. Then the entire iPad rebooted. There's no warning if an app crashes; the iPad just goes out to the desktop. And if the iPad itself crashes, it simply reboots on its own.
I was particularly interested to see how Pages (and Keynote) would handle biblical original languages texts. Since there is a Logos app on the iPad (no Accordance app yet and Olive Tree's iPad-specific BibleReader app has not made it to to the app store as of this writing), I thought I'd try copying text from the Greek New Testament and Hebrew Bible. After struggling a while to copy text, I realized that the Logos app doesn't allow for copying. A comment on their website forums says it's coming in a future revision. So, on my Mac I copied unicode texts of Genesis 1:1 from both the Hebrew Bible and the Greek Septuagint from Accordance into a Pages file and imported it into Pages on the iPad. Both texts showed up great, and the Hebrew text even read from right to left correctly except for bere’shit at the beginning of the Hebrew text. I could change the font size, but I could not edit text. I couldn't even place a cursor in the middle of the Hebrew text, and while I could do that in the Greek text, neither would allow me to edit in Hebrew or Greek. I have no idea how to switch to a unicode keyboard in the application for this level of editing.
- There is an updated WordPress app for the iPad. It's somewhat better than the iPhone version, but really with the larger screen, I don't know why one wouldn't want to simply use the WordPress admin site in Safari. I'll have to try this later and get back to you.
- iWork apps come with 43 fonts. From what I can tell, they're not system-wide for other apps to use, but I could be wrong.
Pages and the other iWork apps don't convert straight quotation marks to "curly" quotation marks. A lack of such is so 1991. You can achieve them manually, however, by holding down the quotation mark key and selecting the symbol you want (do you have any idea how difficult it was to get that screenshot?).
- I would not want to do a lot of data entry in Numbers using the virtual keyboard. I updated our monthly budget for April using Numbers on the iPad based on last month's budget file. Although Numbers is smart enough to change the keyboard based upon what kind of data fill you're in, a spreadsheet is just a bit awkward. It would definitely be better with an external keyboard—one that had both a tab key and a numeric keypad, to boot.
- There are too many steps to change fonts and font sizes in Pages. I recognize the power of predetermined styles, but that doesn't mean I don't want to occasionally make minor changes to a selection of text that I don't need to create a style for. Right now, simply to change the font of a word (without using a predetermined style), here are the steps: (1) selection your text, (2) select the inspector, (3) scroll down past all the styles, (4) tap "Text Options," (5) tap "Font," (6) scroll through the fonts, and (7) tap the font you want. This should be easier.
- Ironically, iWork Pages on the iPad autosaves in spite of the fact that its Mac equivalent does not.
- As I mentioned, took my iPad with me to church yesterday. It was a nice change of pace to simply carry my Bible and and the iPad in its case. It really looked and felt like I was carrying two books with me. This is again why I say that the form factor on the iPad is just right. So why did I need to carry a Bible if I have Bible apps on the iPad? I needed it because I planned to teach from Keynote on the iPad, so I needed a separate Bible. This is really not a big deal as I usually have my Bible, MacBook Pro and my laptop bag. I felt much lighter yesterday!
- While sitting in church as our pastor gave his message, I decided to use my iPad instead of my printed Bible to follow along. Lately they've been turning the lights too low during the message to actually see a Bible anyway. Although my pastor was teaching from the NLT, I decided to use Crossway's dedicated ESV iPad app. It opened to Genesis, and it took me a moment to figure out how to get to John 21 which was the text of the day. After I figured it out, I was delighted to see what a nice app for the iPad that the Crossway ESV app is. Certainly, it doesn't have all the frills of a larger suite of software like the offerings from Logos or Olive Tree, but it doesn't have the distractions either. At one point, I accidentally double-tapped some of the text only to see a window pop up showing the single verse, cross references, and a place to add my own notes. As an added bonus, text can be copied out of the ESV iPad app and pasted into other apps such as iWork Pages. I was very impressed by this app as having more depth and features that I originally realized. I know that some of you reading this are heavy ESV users, and I think that you would probably want to check out this app if you have an iPad.
- Also, toward the end of my pastor's message, I had an idea for an extra slide in my Keynote presentation which I was going to use in our Bible study that was to follow the service. It was so easy with my iPad already opened to simply add a new slide and the text I needed. Previously, opening my entire MacBook Pro would have seemed just a bit too conspicuous.
- Speaking of my Keynote presentation, I created the entire file with nine slides on the iPad. While it's very nice to be able to do that, and especially nice to do quick updates unnoticed, I imagine I will normally want to create them on my Mac. Like my mention of spreadsheets above, I believe that some things are still going to be easier and faster to do on a regular computer as opposed to a touch interface.
- On Saturday, when I tried logging into the Logos app (you have to log in to access the books that you own in the desktop software), I was initially confused by the process. There was a place for my user name and password and two buttons: one that read "Skip" and one that read "Sign Up." Well, I didn't want to do either. But I went ahead and entered my information and checked "Sign Up." That took me to a screen to create an account which is not what I wanted to do. After going back to the first login screen, I noted that the virtual keyboard had a "Go" button instead of the normal "Return." I've discovered that the iPad will often change types of keyboards based on what type of task the screen requires. So this time, I hit the Go button and—voila!—I was logged in. Although I tend to use Accordance primarily and Logos secondarily on my Mac, I can see very real potential for reading some of my Logos books from beginning to end on the iPad because of both the book-like form factor and the higher resolution screen that will be easier on the eyes. Although I have thousands of books on my Mac, I use them more for reference than straight reading because I find it difficult to read for long periods of time on the computer.
- Speaking of reading books, I tried out both the iBooks app and the Kindle iPad app. The Kindle app downloaded my four previously acquired Kindle books with no difficulty. Both are very straight forward, although the iBooks app has animated page turning. I don't know if this will get annoying or ignored in reading, say, a 300 page book. There should probably be a preference to keep the animation from occurring. Regardless, it seems to impress those to whom I've shown my iPad.
All in all, despite having some "version 1" gotchas, I'm very pleased with my iPad. Again, it's not made to replace anything, but can be a very nice secondary alternative. It has that "curl up on the couch" feel that a laptop or even a netbook does not have. I plan to carry it with me instead of my laptop to those places that don't require the extra computing power that a laptop or desktop computer offers. The iPad is my way to go "lite" and realistically, this may be for half or more of my normal computing needs.
When I bought my MacBook Pro in 2008, I purposefully spent extra money and bought a high end model that could be upgraded and would last me for a while. I even said at the time that this was my main computer and I wouldn't replace it for at least five years. I still plan to hold to that time frame, but in 2013 when I go to buy a new Mac, maybe I won't need a laptop after all. Maybe I can go to a less expensive iMac desktop Mac, knowing that the iPad of 2013 may very well be all I need for portable purposes.
Reader Comments (34)
So, you really can read the Logos books like iBooks or the Kindle App? That might put me over the top for getting the 1st Gen iPad.
I thought most (if not all) iPhone apps would work on the iPad. Was this not the case for Bible Reader?
Yes, full screen. Greek and Hebrew looks good, too.
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by R. Mansfield. R. Mansfield said: New This Lamp Post: "Two Days with the iPad: 39 Reflections, Discoveries, Critiques & Tips" [...]
Very nice overview, and one where there are some deeper usage scenarios than wha some others have covered. Having played a bit with one today, I can see its place. It will be ntweresting to see how history speaks of the PC with this being another round of tablets as the living room PC.
Just thought I'd point out that you said ‘note an independent’ instead of ‘not an independent’.
Can you go into settings and set up international keyboards for Greek and Hebrew like you can on the iphone/ipod touch?
Fixed it--thanks!
I don't see Greek and Hebrew listed. Here's what we have: Chinese handwriting, Chinese Pinyin, Dutch, English (UK), Flemish, French, French (Canada), German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.
Great analysis of the iPad and its classroom applications. Come share more at
Hmmm, perhaps the initial ipad release has a more limited language selection than the iphone. Maybe in the next OS release that'll change.
I've enjoyed being able to navigate BDAG in Logos on my ipod using the Greek keyboard. It would be nearly impossible otherwise.
Rick, nice overview. I was checking all weekend for your update. I did get mine from Bestbuy just walked in and walked out. I ended up getting the 32gig as I am not sure what I will fully use it for. I also down loaded the netflix app and watch a movie, very impressive. Don't forget to download YouVersion, it has all of the major translations online, but you can down load a few translations like the NET Bible, and a few others.
I did figure out how to rename a document in pages, my son told me to just tap & double tap everything and see what happens. Thanks for the triple tap tip. BTW I am using my iPad to enter this comment. I don't know if you use gmail but check out the online version of it, it was retooled for the iPad very nice job.
Rick, regarding the case I assume you have the apple case. Does it feel like cheap plastic? I need to get one just not sure if I am going to get the apple one. I found one made out of supple leather hand stitched but it cost $200.00!
[...] found these notes by Rick Mansfield of This Lamp helpful. Rick has many of the same interests I do, and I found his comments directly relevant to [...]
Not cheap plastic. More like a mild felt if that makes sense. Seems sturdy enough right now, but I wonder what it will be like in six months. If it doesn't hold up, I'll have to look for something more robust.
The great thug about the current case is that it makes it look like you're carrying a book. Very light and easy to carry.
Thanks for your observations, Rick. These are helpful. I'm about to replace a 5-year old iBook, and I was planning on buying a MBP---until this iPad came along and made me reconsider everything! I've just about decided to go with an iMac + iPad.
Based on your needs, that may just be a winning combination.
Great commentary on your first weekend with an iPad. Thanks.
I see you're strictly a Mac, iPhone, iPad user. Soon, say when the HP Slate ships, it would be a great service if you and a TabletPC preacher/geek could sit down together and do a similarly objective comparison of real-world, practical experience usage of both. We need to encourage full-digital skillsets by pastors and Bible teachers using either and/or all platforms. A calm dispassionate comparison (as you would do) would be encouraging to all. For example, I use the multitasking of my Smartphone or my TabletPC to use a single device for both my Bible and my Presentation controller (as well as taking notes midstream) and don't need to carry a separate Bible. But the iPad appears to have its own set of advantages. (Or, you could just use your iPhone for the OliveTree Bible Reader and the iPad for Keynote--and do without your leatherbound... .) Many or most pastors/Bible teacher are still stuck without any low profile, church pew compatible devices at all. By the way, you didn't mention if the iPad brightness could be turned down low enough for sitting in pews without lighting up your face in blue and distracting the toddler sitting three seats over.
Thanks again,
Rick, when you export a Pages document from the iPad back to your primary computer, does it update the changes or add an additional document? If you can't edit documents on the iPad and upload the changes without creating a bunch of new documents, that would seriously hamper its usage for productive content management.
Yes and no. There's at least two methods for transferring documents to Page (and the other iWork apps). One is by email, but the other is a bit of awkward file management in iTunes.
When you're looking at your iPad settings in iTunes, there's an apps tab. At the bottom of that screen you see any program in which you can transfer files back and forth using iTunes. Right now, my four are Pages, Numbers, Keynote, and GoodReader (the latter of which is fantastic—review coming soon).
In that window, you click on the app for which you want to transfer files. So, if I'm wanting to take a Pages file from a Mac to my iPad, I'd click on a button that says "Add..." and find my file.
Now the above action creates a copy of the file. The file is instantaneously synced to the iPad. This is nice because you don't have to do a full sync with backup of your files and such which it normally does.
Then in Pages on the iPad, you go to My Documents, but your file is not there yet. The files that are in My Documents are only the ones that you've previously worked on. To get the file you've imported, you click on a little folder icon in the top right that contains any new files that you've synced through iTunes. Now it's imported and you can edit it all you want.
Once you edit it, you go back to My Documents and tap on the Export icon. There are three options there: email,, and export. Choosing export allows you to choose three different formats: Pages, PDF or Word. As I mentioned in my post, the iWork apps on the iPad are primarily so in name only. They have their own formats which is why files have to be imported and exported.
Once you choose a format, the file instantly shows up in the file manager in iTunes, assuming you are tethered to your Mac. If you've exported to the original format, it WILL overwrite your file in the iTunes manager.
However, that does not overwrite the original file that you started from to begin with. From iTunes, you can click "Save to..." and replace the original file.
Does all that make sense? It all seems a bit convoluted. But if you do it a few times, you don't have to think about it too much. Somehow, though, it does seem to be a few too many steps. And I wonder how easily the "casual" user is going to be able to do this easily.
The iWork apps are great for what they are, but this is clearly a version 1 set if there ever was one. I expect that version 2 of iWork for the iPad will have a lot of major changes. None of these issues are deal breakers for me, but there's lots of room for improvement.
Great explanation. Thanks! As you said, this process is somewhat convoluted, but at least it's doable. I agree that these aren't deal breakers, but I look forward to future revisions.
About integrated inbox and junk mail filter—wouldn't it work to have all your accounts go to a Gmail account, and then use your Gmail account on your iPad? After all, Gmail has a good spam filter, and can act as an integrated inbox.
It would certainly work, and the Gmail iPad app is quite nice, but I need to be able to reply to certain messages with the original address they were sent to. I'm sure we'll get the integrated inbox in OS 4, but I would be very surprised to see junk mail filtering.
My greatest junk mail offender is my internet provider (Insight Cable) account which I never use. I bet I get 100 junk mail messages a day, and considering I've never used the account, I can only assume Insight sells the addresses. I only let my MacBook Pro catch mail on that account.
If I got an iPad, and I'm sure I will at some point, I'd primarily be using it as a book reading device. My big concern is will it be comfortable to read for long periods of time given that it uses a backlit LCD display. Do you plan on doing any long form reading on you iPad. Can you report back with your experience? Thanks!
Yes, I do plan on using this for a reading device. I told my wife yesterday (who also got an iPad) that we ought to test it out as a reader by picking a book together and reading it cover to cover. I can certainly report back.
Two things that the iPad has going for it as a reader are (1) the resolution is higher than a regular computer—something like around 130 DPI, and (2) the brightness can be adjusted (even directly from within the iBooks reader). I've found that even under normal circumstances, I only need brightness set to about the halfway mark.