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Entries in Accordance (4)


Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 2: Printing

This entry was originally posted on August 7, 2009, on the original This Lamp website. It has been relocated here.

Who needs to be able to print from Bible software? They’re all electronic documents anyway, right? Well, I believe I can, in fact, defend the need to print and attempt do so in this second comparison between Libronix for the Mac and Accordance. Due to the length of this video (23 minutes), I had to break it up into three segments for YouTube. However, you can see a high-def version of the video in its entirety from my MobileMe Gallery (recommended).

Segment A

Segment B

Segment C

See also
Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 1: "Speed" Search
Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 1.1: Speed Search Revisited

And if you haven’t read the newest review of Accordance, “Accordance 8: the Best Just Got Better” by Rubén Gómez, by all means check it out now.

Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 1.1: Speed Search Revisited

This entry was originally posted on August 3, 2009 on the original This Lamp website and has been relocated here.

Before moving to the next part of the comparison, I thought it might be worth revisiting the initial speed search comparisons between Libronix and Accordance. A number of folks suggested that my computer was running Libronix (and presumably Accordance, since it was under the same conditions) a bit slower than it should have been. I removed a particular application that had been making my core temperature run hot as well as spinning my fans up on average of twice what they should be. As you’ll see in this new video, Libronix is, indeed, faster but still significantly slower than Accordance, and slower--in my opinion--that Bible software ought to be.

For high-def versions of this video, go to my MobileMe Gallery.

And if you think that speed is not that big of a deal, I’d encourage you to read this post on the Accordance forums, “How Important Is Searching the Bible?”

See also
Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 1: "Speed" Search
Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 2: Printing

Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 1: "Speed" Search

This entry was originally posted on July 31, 2009, at the original This Lamp website and has been relocated here.

Logos just released version 1.2 of its Libronix Digital Library System for the Macintosh. Included in the update is a feature called “Speed Search,” which is already on the Windows version.

In the video below, I pit the new Libronix Speed Search against its original Bible search as well as an equivalent search in Accordance.

Click here for a high-def version of the video.

And before you say otherwise, yes, “mind-bogglingly” is a word!

See also
Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 1.1: Speed Search Revisited
Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 2: Printing


Accordance vs. "PC Bible Software Ported to the Mac"

This entry was originally posted on June 26, 2009, on the original This Lamp and has been moved to this site.

From Joe Weaks: