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Entries in IWU (1)


Proposal Accepted: "The Empty Book Bag: Digital Instruction Using the iPad & Related Technologies"

My proposal has been accepted for Indiana Wesleyan University's No Educator Left Behind Conference on June 18 in Greenwood, Indiana. I will give a 50 minute presentation titled "The Empty Book Bag: Digital Instruction Using the iPad and Related Technologies." Here is the description/Abstract I submitted to the review committee (I was limited to 75 words—a difficult task for me on any day):

2010 may be the year that we begin the transition to digital content as a mainstream practice. This session demonstrates how the IWU facilitator can "leave the book bag at home" and use one tablet device for course guides, lesson plans, textbooks and even presentations on a projector. Is a textbook not available in digital form? This session will show you how to convert a book from its physical format to digital for use on any platform.

I also offered this explanation in the proposal as well:

Much has been written about the iPad as a media consumption device, but many are discovering that it's quite capable for creating content as well. And while tablet computers seem ideal for students as a digital textbook medium, not much has yet been discussed in regard to how instructors can use these devices both in and out of the classroom. This session focuses primarily on the use of tablet computers as convenient tools for classroom instruction. After having often been loaded down with materials in multiple bags when walking into the classroom myself, a tablet computer allows the facilitator the freeing ability to “travel light.”