This Week in Accordance (2015.05.16)

Everyone needs good dictionaries, right? The link above will take you to the blog post and descriptions of each item on sale. These prices are good through Monday, May 18, Midnight EDT.
Here's a quick list of what's included:
- Dictionary of Bible Themes
- Dictionary of Early Christian Biography
- Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism
- JPS Dictionary of Jewish Words
- Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy & End Times
- Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religions & the Occult
- The New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology
- The New International Dictionary of The Christian Church
- IVP Pocket Dictionaries on Church History, Ethics, and Biblical Hebrew
- IVP Bundle of Six New Dictionaries
- Essential IVP Reference Collection 3
Video: Creating a Combined Resource in Accordance
Learn how to create a combined resource to scroll in parallel with a biblical text. We recommend watching this video fullscreen.
Upcoming Training Seminars
There are two upcoming free training seminars, and we've got both northern and southern hemispheres covered!
- Chattanooga, TN (June 12)
- Sydney, Australia (June 13)
Go to our Training Seminars page to get more information and sign up for these seminars and others.
Upcoming Free Webinars for the Coming Week
We have LOTS of free webinars on schedule for the coming week. The webinars use GoToMeeting and allow participants to directly interact with the instructor.
- Beginner Basics - Part 2 (Mon May 18, 4-5 PM, EDT)
- Preparing Expository Sermons with Accordance (Tues May 19, 1-2 PM, EDT)
- Creating an Accordance Slideshow (Tues May 19, 6-7 PM EDT)
- Beginner Basics - Part 3 (Wed May 20, 2015, 1-2 PM EDT)
- Sermon Preparation in Action (Thurs May 21, 12-1:15 PM EDT)
- Using the Research Tool (Thurs May 21, 4-5 PM EDT)
- Beginning Basics - Part 4 (Fri May 22, 1-2 PM)
Sign up for these or other sessions at our Webinars page. Also check out recordings of past webinars on our Webinar Archives page
If you have questions about anything above, feel free to let me know in the comments.

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