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Superman's New Costume

What are your thoughts on Superman's new costume without the traditional red trunks?

Here is a shot from the final panel of the newly rebooted Justice League #1:

And the new costume is not just in the comics. Here's a shot of Henry Cavill from the set of the upcoming Man of Steel (to be released in 2013):

No, Cavill's version is not going to lose the cape; this is a non-shooting photo. 

However, here's my thing: I realize that to moderns, Superman's traditional red trunks seem kind of like he's wearing his underwear on the outside of the costume if it's thought about too much. However, from a stylistic viewpoint, the red trunks always seemed to balance the costume. Is it just me now, or does Superman's new outfit look a little bit like he's wearing red boots with blue pajamas—something kids might do to pretend they're Superman?

The new costume in the comic books also sports a militarized collar. How's that going to work under Clark Kent's suit?

Your questions, thoughts, comments and/or rebuttals are expected in the comments below. 

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Reader Comments (10)

So a couple weeks ago I was preaching with a superman shirt under my with shirt and coat, and you could still see the costume underneath. I removed the coat and shirt after a few minutes.
How is that costumes going to hide under a white shirt, suit, and tie?

September 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKen Steele

I'm sure that Clark/Superman wears a very high density cotton oxford that blocks his costume underneath :-)

September 8, 2011 | Registered CommenterR. Mansfield

It's interesting how they're redesigning some costumes for film adaptations. I'm not the biggest fan of Supes new costume, but Wonder Woman's pants was a great change.

Did you pick up Action #1?

September 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterA. Knapp

I bought it in digital form from Comixology out of curiosity. I buy them occasionally, but not like I did when I was in high school and college. When I started dating Kathy, I quit buying comic books regularly because I knew I couldn't afford both :-)

September 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterR. Mansfield

I also think the trunks balance the costume a little better. I understand if they are going for a more serious feel and the lack of red trunks tones the cheese down a bit. Although superman, like some other heros, has always come with a bit of silliness. For instance, with the new batman Chris Nolan has tried to make everything functional and purposeful...which is fine since batman is human and NEEDS his tools. Where as Superman is well...not human. Superman has no need for a cape or fancy boots, etc. One of the essentials of superman is that he is incredibly strong and can wear whatever he wants...cause who is gonna say anything?

September 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMatt M

When I was a child I was in love with Superman..) I thank all the girls were admired by the handsome hero who saves the world! I used to ask my Mom whether she buys me a costume of Superman so I can imagine my engagement with him..) That is soo funny!
Nowadays I am a student of Arts in the University and I have to write a custom essay on the topic "The historical trends of costumes in the cinema" so I think this post will be the great help in writing it!

November 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPatricia Vernon

Losing Superman's red trunks is like taking away the respect of Supermans costume,, Superman is supposed to be something that all children love and respect and want to pretend to be,, every little girls dream of meeting Superman, and every little boys dream of being him. And every adults childhood hero that continues with them through life. Do you really want to be the person responsible for changing the way people see Superman,, do you really want to be the person explaining that to every child and grown up? Losing Superman, making him just like anything else in this new world? Or should he always be Superman? Red trunks and all? He's lasted with this image for 73 years, will it take only one movie to destroy something that has lasted forever? Are you willing to chance the destruction and failure of your movie with trying to please those who want to make Superman into only a sexual hunk instead of our hero?

December 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNancy Buras

Why didnt they leave the suit alone? Why didnt Brandon Ruth play him again? Why would you do this to the costume? He looks like Aqua man!! He looks like hes in long johns!!!!!! Fire the person who makes the costumes!!!! And what are they gonna do next? Change the Hulk to yellow instead of green,,, or making Spiderman not have spider powers,,,or like having Batman driving a pink prius!!!! I'm 14 and my mothers 53 we dont agree on much but we agree that his comstume should still be the same.

December 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterZena Buras

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December 20, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrolex replica watches

The change is a shame. Why remake something as iconic as Superman? Santa's garments will be next.

July 22, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterb00x

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