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Entries in Harry Potter (1)


This Was the Most Offensive Moment When Seeing Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows, Part 2

No, it was nothing in the movie itself.

Even though Kathy saw the final installment of the Harry Potter series earlier this summer, I only got around to seeing it over the Labor Day weekend. We wanted to see the 3:45 afternoon matinee at the Cinemark Tinseltown Theater in Louisville, but we were running just a few minutes late. I hate getting to a movie late, but I was consoled by the fact that the movie had been out a few weeks, and we probably wouldn't have trouble getting a good seat. We got our tickets, and opened the doors to screen 18 at exactly 3:50. I was surprised that I didn't hear any sound coming from what at least should be previews to upcoming movies by this point. As we walked further in, I began to see a white glow coming from the screen and as I got closer I was surprised to see this:

Now, I realize this is not a great photo, but I had to take the picture for sake of proof. What we were seeing was an error screen with a button partially shown at the top that said "Restore Active Desktop."

Active Desktop?! What—does Cinemark run their theaters on the back of Windows 98? 

And evidently, although a number of people got up to report what was on the screen (while I sat in my chair smug in the satisfaction that I am a Mac user), it took a solid 20 minutes for them to fix the problem. 

I can only guess they were probably delayed from having to import the film into Windows Movie Maker. 


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