Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 2: Printing

This entry was originally posted on August 7, 2009, on the original This Lamp website. It has been relocated here.
Who needs to be able to print from Bible software? They’re all electronic documents anyway, right? Well, I believe I can, in fact, defend the need to print and attempt do so in this second comparison between Libronix for the Mac and Accordance. Due to the length of this video (23 minutes), I had to break it up into three segments for YouTube. However, you can see a high-def version of the video in its entirety from my MobileMe Gallery (recommended).
Segment A
Segment B
Segment C
See also
Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 1: "Speed" Search
Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 1.1: Speed Search Revisited
And if you haven’t read the newest review of Accordance, “Accordance 8: the Best Just Got Better” by Rubén Gómez, by all means check it out now.
Who needs to be able to print from Bible software? They’re all electronic documents anyway, right? Well, I believe I can, in fact, defend the need to print and attempt do so in this second comparison between Libronix for the Mac and Accordance. Due to the length of this video (23 minutes), I had to break it up into three segments for YouTube. However, you can see a high-def version of the video in its entirety from my MobileMe Gallery (recommended).
Segment A
Segment B
Segment C
See also
Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 1: "Speed" Search
Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 1.1: Speed Search Revisited
And if you haven’t read the newest review of Accordance, “Accordance 8: the Best Just Got Better” by Rubén Gómez, by all means check it out now.
Reader Comments (2)
Below are the original comments from this post. Please continue any discussion here.
Joe Miller
That is the weird part. From the Bible Comparison, I can print any length of Bible text (you did not show this in your demo/comparison in Part C).
From my Bibles, it looks like I can print out any length of text as well.
The limit seems only on other resources (the one part you did demo in Part A). It makes me wonder if there is some kind of copyright issue. No excuse though, printing should work anyway, I am curious about it though. I may contact Logos and see.
Thanks brother
September 3, 2009, 11:41:09 AM EDT – Like – Reply
R. Mansfield
I don't know, Joe. I do know that in Accordance, I can print any length text to either a printer or to PDF.
September 3, 2009, 6:35:39 AM EDT – Like – Reply
Joe Miller
I think the title is a bit misleading since you don't do any real print comparisons of the two programs in part B or C, you just show what you do in Accordance. That really isn't a comparison, more like a demo.
Logos Mac does a good job printing the side by side verse comparisons (similar to part C). Using the Bible comparison tool I printed an entire chapter with no problem. Not sure why printing does not work in other non-biblical resources though.
I do remember about a decade ago, Logos changed their print feature and the stated reason had to do with copyright infringement.. but I don't know if that explains why they limit how much a user can print at once.
Do you know?
September 3, 2009, 1:03:10 AM EDT – Like – Reply
Joe Miller
I don't print a lot (hardly ever), but improvement on the print stuff would be helpful when I do need to print.
September 3, 2009, 12:41:43 AM EDT – Like – Reply
Hey, this will be completely irrelevant to the discussion, but I don't know how else to contact you. I was thinking of learning Greek. I want to buy a NA27 & Septuaginta. What are the best beginner resources for understanding The New Testament & LXX in greek (preferably in one book). Thanks!
August 16, 2009, 10:07:09 PM EDT – Like – Reply
R. Mansfield
I also write out a passage by hand sometimes and then translate. You're right that it is a very good exercise and something I should do more often.
My handwriting in English is bad enough, and in Greek even worse.
August 7, 2009, 12:03:20 PM EDT – Like – Reply
Mike Aubrey
Hmm, very, very interesting. I haven't used the Mac version since the beta, so I didn't know about this stuff. That strange. I know that in the windows version, there are print limits in some book in terms of how much you can print at one time because of copyright, but I've never seen anything like this before.
I don't print much, but thanks for these videos. They were enjoyable. The triple space printing is pretty cool. When I've done similar things, I've simply written out the text, which in of itself is a very nice exercise.
August 7, 2009, 11:56:28 AM EDT – Like – Reply
[...] Libronix/Mac vs. Accordance, Part 2: Printing Aug 03 [...]