Where We Might Get Our First Glimpse of the New CSB

In yesterday's post, "2017 Christian Standard Bible (CSB): Everything We Know So Far," I mentioned that, so far, I've not been able to find any examples of the new text except for Revelation 22:6a that reads identically the same as that in the HCSB.
It may be that we have to wait until January, the stated date for the launch of the new CSB, but there may be a couple of earlier possibilities. The first is simply speculation on my part: the November meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society in San Antonio might be an appropriate opportunity for Lifeway to reveal portions, or perhaps even all, of the new translation.
However, a more likely place we will probably see examples of the new CSB is in Lifeway's own curriculum, which is published quarterly and months in advance. I teach from Lifeway's Explore the Bible curiculum at church, and we are currently in the summer quarter, which runs through the end of this month. The Fall quarter begins in September, and the Winter quarter begins in December. However, all of this literature is released months in advance. In fact, much of the Winter material--at least some of the digital content--is already available. However, I determined yesterday that the current HCSB is used through the Winter quarter.
On Lifeway's Explore the Bible Facebook page, I asked if we would see a switch over to the new CSB in the Spring 2017 quarter material. Since the reply was public, I am repeating it here:
"Yes, at this point, we plan to introduce CSB content into our materials beginning with spring 2017. We are a part of the CSB soft launch."
Since churches have to order cubiculum months in advance, and the digital versions are made available first, I would not be surprised to see samples of the new CSB in this content sometime in the next few weeks. If this does happen, and if I find any examples of note, I'll post them here.

Reader Comments (5)
I look forward to seeing how the text changes with this revision. I, too, use the HCSB as my primary teaching Bible, for many of the reasons you have expressed elsewhere. There are some quirks with it, though, that I hope can be addressed in the 2017 version (like the inconsistent use of both "Yahweh" and "LORD" for the tetragrammaton, or "this is the declaration of the LORD" as the introductory formula for divine speech). We shall see, and hopefully sooner rather than later!
Trevin Wax, in his article "The 3 minor prophets who wrecked me" at the gospel coalition, quotes from the CSB: "Even now . . . turn to me with all your heart, with fasting, weeping, and mourning. . . . Return to the Lord your God. For he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in faithful love . . . (Joel 2:12-13, CSB).
The YouVersion HCSB has "...rich in faithful love" compared to "abounding in faithful" in the quote, that could be a change I think.
Tyler--the HCSB capitalizes pronominal references to God. Were the ones from the CSB rendered in lowercase letters? E.g. "he is gracious" vs. "He is gracious?" That, too, would be a change (and a good one, in my opinion!) :)
Hi. B&H has a Spring 2017 New Release Catalog online. It shows two images from Genesis 3-4 from the CSB Study Bible.
No "bullet" marking the word "seed".
"bear children with painful effort" instead of "bear children with anguish"
"the man" instead of Adam
pronouns referring to God not capitalized
"the LORD God made clothing from skins" instead of "the LORD God made clothing out of skins"
Thanks, Rick, for sharing whatever you learn about the CSB. I share your considerable interest in this new translation. Blessings!