Here's my unofficial, off-the-clock rundown of everything related to
Accordance Bible Software from this past week. Here's what you may have missed if you were on vacation.
Sale on Hermeneia—A Critical & Historical Commentary on the Bible
Hermeneia is probably one of the most technical commentaries out there, and it's a bit to the left theologically from my perspective. Nevertheless, I find it to be an incredibly valuable resource at time because I have never felt I had to agree 100% with material to get benefit from it. Most amazingly we currently have Hermeneia for Accordance at only $499 for all 49 volumes. This is the lowest price we've ever offered the set. Consider that if you were to purchase these same volumes in print, you'd spend well over $3,000, and we normally run it for $829.
As of this writing, there's only about two days left to get this deal because the sale ends at midnight Monday, June 1.
Sale on Titles Related to the Church Fathers/Early Church
A number of titles related to perspectives from figures in the Early Church are also on sale, including the following:
Like the Hermeneia Commentaries, these titles will only be on sale for a couple more days--through midnight, Monday, June 1.
Video: How to Set a Default Lexicon in Accordance Mobile
Egyptian Updates for the Accordance Bible Lands PhotoGuide 4
Although the update (free upgrade for those who had already purchased PhotoGuide 4) was released a few days ago, we only really began promoting it on Friday. According to the
blog post, the update provides a considerable amount of new content:
This new update adds over 350 new pictures and numerous articles on Egypt, the ancient land of wonder and one of the most important lands of the Bible. Some of these articles include the following entries: Alexandria, On, Memphis, the Pyramids of Giza and Saqqara, Thebes, Luxor, Karnak, Hatshepsut’s Temple, the Valley of the Kings, and Syene (Aswan).
If you're not familiar with the
Accordance Bible Lands PhotoGuide 4, you should really check it out. It's a tremendously unique photo guide to the land of the Bible with photos you won't find anywhere else as most of them were taken by people who work for Accordance. It's on sale for over 20% off beginning yesterday and going through June 8.
Upcoming Training Seminars
There are a number of upcoming free training seminars, and we've got all four hemispheres covered! Note that as of this week, the date for the Buenos Aires training seminar is now set specifically for July 23.
- Chattanooga, TN (June 12)
- Sydney, Australia (June 13)
- Buenos Aires (July 23)
- Atlanta, GA (Nov 20--between ETS & SBL meetings)
Go to our Training Seminars page to get more information and sign up for these seminars and others.
Upcoming Free Webinars for the Coming Week
We have a number of free webinars on schedule for the coming week. The webinars use GoToMeeting and allow participants to directly interact with the instructor.
- Accordance on Mobile Devices (Tues June 2, 1-2 PM, EDT)
- Searching in Accordance (Tues June 2, 6-7 PM, EDT)
- Beginner Basics - Part 1 (Wed June 3, 1-2 PM, EDT)
- Topical Studies (Thurs, June 4, 1-2 PM, EDT)
Sign up for these or other sessions at our Webinars page. Also check out recordings of past webinars on our Webinar Archives page
If you have questions about anything above, feel free to let me know in the comments.
Reader Comments (2)
What's your take on the Ancient Christian Doctrine series? Is it as in-depth at each turn/phrase as the ACCS?
Abram, I'm sorry I didn't see this before the sale went off. For some reason I didn't get any Squarespace notification of your comment.
If anything, the doctrine series feels more in-depth to me, taking 5 volumes to treat the Nicene Creed.