Accordance for Windows: Yes, It's Real

Optional headline: A significant temperature decrease in Hades has been reported.
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What you're seeing above is an internal beta for Accordance 10.x for Windows, running in Windows 8. Yes, Accordance, which has been exclusively on Apple platforms since it was launched in 1994, is coming to Windows. This is the second internal beta released in as many weeks. Although an exact release date (beyond simply 2013) has not yet been announced, the build I have is already starting to impress.
If you've been wanting to run Accordance--with all its speed and power--but didn't want to leave Microsoft Windows to do so, you won't have to wait much longer.
For what it's worth, I would suggest that the beta of Accordance for Windows is already faster than similar programs on the same platform.
Stay tuned. More details to come.
The image above has been posted with permission. Your questions, thoughts, comments and rebuttals are welcome below.

Reader Comments (2)
Did you have any problems with downloading any modules? The Zondervan Suite and the NSB bundle are kicking out before completion.
Will, if you're running the beta, I think it's probably best to post any questions in the Accordance beta forums.