NIV 2011 eBook Now Available [updated]

Although officially the new 2011 NIV was not supposed to be released until December 21, I received word at 11PM on the 20th from Apple that my iBooks pre-order was available for download.
As most This Lamp readers know, the 2011 update to the New International Version was released at on November 1, 2010. Although the printed copies will not be available until March, 2011, the updated translation will be available in ebook format beginning today.
As far as I can remember, this marks the first time a major translation has been made commercially available to mainstream ebook platforms before print copies are published. Beginning today, the 2011 NIV is available for all major ebook platforms including Amazon's Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook and Apple's iBooks app for the iPad.
Here are a few screenshots from the iBooks version—the first etext edition I've found available. Click on images to see a larger view.
NIV eBook "cover"
I've already found a "bug" in the etext. Note the location guide at the bottom of the screenshot. The entire Bible is in one long chapter, or more specifically, the preface.
UPDATED: The Kindle version is now available, too. Below are some shots from the Kindle app for the iPad (and no, this is not the first time I've bought the same eBook Bible for competing etext platforms; I like to compare layouts and usability).
Song of Solomon, ch. 4, for comparison with earlier shot of the same spread in the iBooks edition.
Basic text searching is possible in both Kindle (pictured here) and iBooks edition.
I've found a different kind of "bug" in the Kindle edition. Whenever I touch some poetic passages (not all, though), I see a "poetry" flag pop up. I can't imagine this is supposed to be there.

Reader Comments (29)
just stumbled onto this website, and i have a question, not about the niv, but about the NLT, i just picked up a new bible and notice that there is a difference in a post 2nd edition post 2007,
gal 5:19, ..... demonic activity ... is the new phrase. (there is of course more, but that is the part that brought it to my attention. i have several other "new" NLT but none of them have this change.
so my question is when and how many other changes are there.
Greg, if there are more changes past 2007, I'm not familiar with them. What's the last copyright year in your Bible?
Unfortunately those of us who have committed the heinous crime of living in Europe, Madrid in my case, cannot buy neither the IPAD Ibook version neither the kindle one (I have both.)
I find it such a silly measure. I have been able to buy the ESV and HSCB (even though they cost 2.30$USA if your kindle is outside the USA) and the NASB. I'm buying the NLT and the Amplified Version for the Kindle (and probably the NSRV) next month. I don't understand on what premises I am denied the right to buy my own copy.
I have been scouring the web for months for a nice epub version of the 2011. I left iBooks (and my purchased copy of the 2011 NIV Life Application Study Bible with all its amazing features) because I purchased an Android it won't work with and I can not find a single place I can buy a simple epub copy of the 2011 to use in my GoodReader app. I just want the epub file so I'm not locked into Kindle, iBooks, or other reader companies. I want the freedom to take my digital Bible with me in whatever reader I choose and I can't find a place I can purchase just the file. They're all locked into a service. I even copy pasted each chapter of the Bible (I'm really serious about this - it took months) into a pages documents and carefully formatted it and saved it as an epub only to discover the word document I was copy pasting from was the 1984. I went to a website that showed the changes between the 1984 and the 2011 and spent several more weeks copy pasting the changed verses into my new personalized study Bible and have been happy the past few weeks highlighting things in it and just enjoying it. Tonight I was reading Proverbs 6 and was doing a study and realized that some verses were still the 1984 and the wording was not the best. Apparently the change site, or I in my exhaustion, missed a few verses and I'm very upset at this. Can anyone just recommend a complete epub copy of the 2011 so I can stop having to mess around creating one from scratch. Thank you, this means a lot to me. I just want a digital copy of the Bible that is mine to use however I wish.